Officially the unofficial alter-ego of Chicago Machine
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Each season, Machine breaks its roster into smaller 5 person Crews. Crews compete in drills, travel together, and take on identities of their own. The crew system makes logistics simpler to plan, allows veteran players to mentor new players, and serves to promote relationships amongst teammates that might not have otherwise flourished.
MeanMachine was born as crew, but has spread to become part of Machine's culture over time. It is Machine's lighter side, and a representation of the self-deprecating humor that bonds our team together.
That being said, the views and opinions of those who operate the social voice of "meanmachinedfa" do not, in any way shape or form, represent the views and opinions of Chicago Machine.
MeanMachine Twitter Feed
RT @TruckStopUlti: Let’s address the talk of the tournament. What dirt does Tony Veneri have on Sockeye leadership?
RT @MachineUltimate: Watch out for these BAD BOYS Yellow carded bandits on the loose
RT @genbushh_: Joe White: travel machine
RT @tylerkinley: I love Joe White
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